SA 3/23/2024 – 5:00 PM – m4music Bistro im LaSalle

"MBM on tour": plain language & inspiration for the music business


As every year, you listen to the conferences and have fun while networking. But who asked you about your wishes or issues? Exactly. That's why we now offer "MBM on tour", where the stage is given to your struggles and the focus is on real talk. Come to Marc Bernegger's (COLDKINGS) session and join in the discussions or simply observe how others overcome their challenges through conversation. The main thing is that you give yourself the chance to talk about challenges and ideas with like-minded people in an uninhibited, focused, open and honest way.

The group is limited to 20 musicians, so it's best to register now at Our motto is: "Silence is not the way - we need to talk about it!"